A Dreamy Drive
It was one of those precious moments. It was just Maddie and I in the car. A captive audience–at least I’d like to think. She’s 11, and sometimes time seems short with her. She’s going to be seeking independence more, and perhaps, her mother less. So I try, from now, to make the most of our moments alone.
I started asking questions, and this is how it went:
So, do you still want to be a teacher when you grow up?
Well, Mom, I’m planning to get married and have triplets. I don’t know if teaching pays enough to raise three kids at once.
I bust up laughing. We both do. She turns a little pink.
You realize you don’t have much control over having triplets? That’s a pretty lofty goal.
I know Mom, she says smiling.
Before all that family stuff, I would love to go to Juilliard and become a dancer.
That’s a nice goal, I say.
Yep, but I don’t know if it’s realistic.
You never know, Sweet Maddie. I’m just glad you have dreams like that.
Me too. It’s fun.
We reach our destination. I park and shut off the car.
What are you thinking now, Maddie?
Oh, I just can’t decide if I want to wear your wedding dress, or a strapless mermaid-style dress for my wedding.
I smile and blush now.
Well, we have time. Lots and lots and lots of time before you have to make that decision.
I know, she says.
The other thing I know for sure. I want for my husband and I to be very involved in church. I want to lead worship. And, if our church doesn’t have a kids’ dance team, I want to start one, so other kids can be led in worship.
I wish you could have seen her face light up when she talked about this dream. It was beautiful.
At that moment in the car, I couldn’t bring myself to say anything back to her. My eyes were tearing and my lips were quivering. But here’s what I was thinking:
Maddie, I’m so happy you have made God the center of your dreams. With Him, all things are possible. I’m excited to see what He does through you. . .
I’m really excited.
LOVE this!
That is a nice post.