Hello Summer – Not Sure I’m Ready for You

Dear Summer,

It’s not you, It’s me. I’m not breaking up with you or anything, I just think we need to dial things back a little. I guess I had different expectations of what you would be like.  It’s not that you’re bad or anything—you’re just not what I had in mind for this season.  I was hoping for a little more.

But like I said, It’s not you, it’s me.

I just need some space, but I’ll talk to you after I’ve had time to figure some things out.

Until then, love,


If I’m honest with myself, I’ve been thinking about summer since my kids were on spring break in March. Is that bad?  It’s kind of bad.  I live for school breaks. Having two high schoolers is not easy, and I feel like I’m often waiting anxiously to just get through to the next day off, teacher in-service day, holiday, or school break.   Not to brag, but I should receive an award for making it through freshman and junior year simultaneously.  Friends, I’ve got a pretty good GPA going too from all the homework I’ve helped with.  But I’ve had a picture in my head of how these nine short weeks of summer break should go.  I’ve written this sort of story about summer in my head, and I’ve gotta say I’m a little disappointed with how things have gone.

I had these big plans of me and my daughters hanging out by the pool, going thrift shopping, out to lunch, afternoon Sonic runs, and late-night ice cream or fro-yo stops.  But I find that we are running all different directions.  It’s not like it used to be, even at this same time a year ago.  Something happened in one year’s time, and summer looks a whole lot different now.

You’re probably reading this and saying to yourself, well, duh Krista, they’re growing up, finding their independence, and spreading their wings..

There is truth to that, and I accept it.  But here’s what trips me up.  ME. I trip myself up.  My girls are doing exactly what they’re supposed to do.  They are growing up, and figuring things out. They still need me and all, but it’s different.  Things are changing as they figure out who they are independently of me.  But who am I in this new chapter of life?

The other night Matt and I were watching a show together.  Please don’t judge us. The show starts with an “R” and is based on characters from the Archie comics.  For the love, I’m a forty-something.  I mean, we are forty-somethings who are totally into this show, wondering how these poor teenage kids are going to figure out who the “Black Hood” is that keeps antagonizing this small, quiet town.  And what’s worse is, I think we started watching the show in the first place so we could enjoy the connection time as a family. Now it’s only Matt and I that show up. I think our girls are actually busy doing things that use brain cells, while ours are being depleted one episode at a time.  HELP US!!

Anyway, I had my a-ha moment the other night. I laid in bed thinking about the future; the near future, and the future a few years down the road.  I started to pray.  I told God that I was uncertain about my purpose.  What will life look like when these precious girls leave home someday? I told God I wanted to do something. Something beyond the crazy schedule I keep already that sometimes seems so routine and mundane, but also exhausting.  I told Him I wanted to do something that was creative, beautiful, inspirational, and relationship building.  Kind of a tall order, right?

Well, that prayer has taken flight.  Over the last few weeks I have been re-inspired by a former hobby I used to enjoy.  At some point the busyness of life got in the way;  my supplies became dusty and a little outdated;  and perhaps my confidence about this hobby weakened. But God reminded me how much satisfaction and joy it brought to me at one time.

So….what is it?

Rubber stamping!  Ta-dah!!

Yeah, yeah, I’ve probably lost a few of you right there, but hear me out.  Not only do I have a new- found love for this hobby again, but I want to extend an invitation for you to join me on this creative journey.  I believe everyone should have a hobby—a creative outlet.  No matter what it is, I highly recommend tapping into your creative side if you’re not already. It might not be rubber stamping, but who knows, it might be.

Beginning in July, I will be hosting some rubber stamping events and classes in my home. I would love to have you come check it out if you live in the area.   Whether you are a newbie, a die-hard crafter, or just want to try something different, this is an opportunity for you.

Check out the creative therapy link on my home page at www.alittlemessy.com

Well, all that to say, I think Summer and I are back on.  I just needed some time to figure a few things out.

And just so you know, sweet Summer, it was never you.
