Izzy’s Thoughts on Kid’s Choir

This past weekend, Izzy had the opportunity to sing in a special Christmas edition of Kid’s Choir at our church.  Despite the long weekend, and all the yawning she did on stage through the last service, she had a blast.

Last night, after a restful afternoon, she shared with me all the details.

“So Mom, I loved Miss Krista (a different Krista than me) who was my leader.  She said we were the best section!”

“That’s nice, Honey.  Glad you enjoyed it.”

“During our break time on Sunday morning, we got to hear a story.  It was called the Crimpled Lamb.”

“The what?”

“The Crimpled Lamb.  It was about a lamb with a broken leg and he couldn’t go with the herd, so he stayed in the stable with Baby Jesus.”

“Do you think it’s The Crippled Lamb?  And I think it’s a flock of sheep?”

“Oh yes, that must be it.”

“So, Mom, I would like to sing in Kid’s Choir for New Years Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and any other holiday.”

“Well I think Kid’s Choir is only at Christmas and Mother’s Day.

“So Dad should talk to Mrs. Krissy about doing more times.”

We’ll get right on that.

“Mom, can we order the Crimpled Lamb from Amazon, or the Crimped Lamb, or?….


Oh my goodness Sweet Child!
