How may I help you, Siri asked?

Not audibly, just through some text at the bottom of my phone screen.

Isn’t that a loaded question?  Especially when it seems I can’t manage all the running around my day requires of me.  Or get dinner on the table.  Or get to the grocery store, to get the items, to get dinner on the table.

As helpful as Siri is, she’s a computer.  She can guide me through town with her navigation features.  She can find the nearest grocery store.  She can help me send emails and texts, but when it comes to the areas in my life where I really need help, she’s kind of useless.

I’m talking about the emotional support I often need.  When stress overtakes.  When anxiety knocks on the door of my heart.  When I need to speak into someone’s life, and the words just aren’t there.  When I’m weak and tired, but the to-do list is long.

Siri is not so helpful.

But it’s not her fault.  It’s mine really.  Because the text I’m reading isn’t the most helpful for me.  Or should I say the source from which I seek help is wrong.

Behold, God is my helper; the Lord is the upholder of my life. Psalm 54:4

How gracious he will be when you cry for help! As soon as he hears, he will answer you. Isaiah 30:19

There are countless scriptures in the Bible that speak to God helping us.  These two spoke deep into my heart today.  God desires to help us.  He longs for a relationship with us where He can be our helper.  He wants to hear our cries and answer our pleas.

A few nights ago I programed my phone (Siri) to guide me to a friend’s house that I’d not been to before.  I counted on her for help.  About a mile or so from my destination she spoke these words:

“You will need to pull over now and walk to your destination.”

“Say what?”

I looked up and down the street.  There was no place to pull over on this two lane highway. And then to the right I saw a steep hill.  I turned onto it and started my ascent.   Siri was silent. A few minutes later, at the top of the hill, was my friend’s house.

Can you imagine if I had taken Siri’s advice? I would have been pretty exhausted, not to mention sweaty and out of breath by the time I reached the destination.  And what if I had followed her instructions and parked my car on the side of a busy highway?  Yikes!

Siri could only take me so far.  The navigational system was not accurate or reliable that night.

Thankfully we serve a God who is accurate and reliable–all the time.  He knows the way.  And loves us enough to lead us along the path that is right.

Sometimes it’s our nav system that is off and needs adjusting.  Other times it’s because we are plugged into the wrong source.

Are you going the right way?  Are you plugged into the Right Source?  Are you seeking help from the One and Only?


If you answered “Siri” to any of those, well, I’m praying for you.
