I am having one of those days.  Well, not really.  I dislike that phrase.  One of those days.  What does that even mean?

Does it mean a bad day?  A day of tragic news?  A day of raw emotions and sadness? Why not call it what it is?  A bad day.

Or does it mean a day of craziness?  Spilled coffee at breakfast; car trouble; tiff with the spouse; running late to everything.  A crazy day perhaps?

Or is it a stressful day?  Too much to do and no time to do it.

But one of those days.  It sounds like a brush off.  Like a nice thing we say when someone asks us how we are doing.  And then we both chuckle as if it’s a silly joke.

It’s kind of like telling a friend we are fine when we really aren’t fine.

My day has been a little sad and somewhat stressful—with some crazy mixed in.

It’s been crazy because…  I’ve been sworn to secrecy by an unnamed nine year old in my house who was in big trouble earlier.  Let’s just say it involved my new bank checking card and the sunroof of my car, and leave it at that.  Forget crazy, it was more like panic.

My day has been filled with stress too.  My husband is traveling for work and it seems like the older my kids get the more driving I do to all their activities.  It makes me tired and grumpy and wondering if I’ve said “yes” to too many things.

And it’s been filled with sadness due to a couple of sick kiddos on my prayer list who are fighting deadly diseases.  I know this because their parents share honestly and openly how their day is going.  There aren’t very many happy days for them this season.

“No more lies, no more pretense. Tell your neighbor the truth. In Christ’s body we’re all connected to each other, after all.” Ephesians 4:25 The Message

You know, I feel better talking through my day with you.  It helps to be honest with how I’m feeling instead of being vague and saying, “It’s been one of those days,” while I smile my plastic smile.
